iOS Version 1 Developer Guide

If you haven't done it yet be sure to check out the iOS Quick Start Guide to get the SDK installed and running.

iOS Quick Start »

This document describes how to use the Gimbal framework to develop iOS applications that can benefit from contextual Services.

Using QLContextCoreConnector


The QLContextCoreConnector must be enabled prior to using any other Gimbal features.

All calls to the API will return failures with a disabled status message until this step is complete.

Enable the connector

The enableFromViewController:success:failure: method is used to enable the SDK for use by the end user.

Note: This call is asynchronous and use objective-c blocks to return results when they are available.

    QLContextCoreConnector *contextCoreConnector = [QLContextCoreConnector new]; 
    [contextCoreConnector enableFromViewController:self.window.rootViewController
         NSLog(@"Gimbal enabled");
      failure:^(NSError *error) { 
        NSLog(@"Failed to initialize gimbal %@", error);

Check the Status

The checkStatusAndOnEnabled:disabled: method allows your application to ensure that it has been previously enabled.

Note: This call is asynchronous and use objective-c blocks to return results when they are available.

    [contextCoreConnector checkStatusAndOnEnabled: ^(QLContextConnectorPermissions *contextConnectorPermissions) { 
      NSLog(@"Already enabled");
    disabled:^(NSError *error) { 
      NSLog(@"Is not enabled");

Delete a User's Data and Disable Gimbal

    [contextCoreConnector deleteAllUserDataAndOnSuccess:^{ 
      NSLog(@"User data deletion SUCCESS");
    failure:^(NSError *error) { 
      NSLog(@"User data deletion FAILURE: %@", error ); 

Custom Opt-in and Privacy


By default, when you enable the SDK using enableFromViewController:success:failure: a Gimbal branded dialog containing the end user consent, privacy notice and terms of service will be presented to the end user.

However, you have the choice to display your own privacy notice and end user opt-in consent in lieu of the Gimbal branded dialog.

Important You will be bound by the "White Label Mode" terms within the Gimbal Developer Agreement.

Custom Opt-in Mode

To use this feature, simply add the property CUSTOM_OPT_IN_FLOW: YES to UserContext.plist file.

Enable Debug Mode

Developer can use this option to enable debug mode which will add a debug user interface on the privacy panel. Debug panel will give you access to the following.

  • Visualize existing Place Events
  • Currenlty Monitored Geofences
  • Simulate Place Events
  • Important Please do not enable this in your production application.

    You will be able to use this feature by adding a property SHOW_DEBUG_PANELS: YES to UserContext.plist file.

    Place monitoring

    Initialize connector

         self.contextPlaceConnector = [[QLContextPlaceConnector alloc] init]; 

    Listening for place event

    Implement didGetPlaceEvent method to listen for place events. Gimbal SDK will call this method when it detects Entry/Exit for a place

          - (void)didGetPlaceEvent: (QLPlaceEvent *)placeEvent 
            // do something with the place event

    The following fields are available in the QLPlaceEvent passed to the listener:

    Field Name Description
    placeType QLPlaceTypeOrganization refers to places created in Context Console and applies to all of your users.
    QLPlaceTypePrivate is created locally on the phone and only applies to a single user.
    eventType QLPlaceEventTypeAt means that the user has arrived at the place
    QLPlaceEventTypeLeft means that the user has just left the place.
    Place The QLPlace object associated tot he event.
    Time The time of the event in milliseconds since 1970 (See System.currentTimeMillis())

    Check if place monitoring is available

    The Gimbal SDK does not support place monitoring on devices such as the iPhone 3GS due to the hardware not being battery efficient to continually monitor geofences in the background. To determine if the device supports place monitoring, call the "isPlaceMonitoringAvailable" on the QLContextPlaceConnector to see if the current device supports place monitoring.

    Handling Leave Events

    We detect "AT" events more quickly than "Leave" events. The system needs sufficient evidence to promote a "Leave" event to be statistically accurate. False "Leave" events happen because location fixes on today’s smartphones tend to bounce around. (Open a map application on your phone and watch the blinking cursor bounce around.) We work to eliminate these inaccuracies to ensure your end-user does not receive multiple incorrect events.

    Proximity iOS Developer Guide

    The Gimbal Proximity platform enables proximity services within your application. This guide will provide examples for each of the available functions in our iOS SDK for Gimbal Proximity.

    If this is your first time working with the Proximity Framework visit the  Proximity Overview »

    To get the SDK installed and running checkout the  iOS Quick Start »

    Note Across all documentation and SDKs the terms 'Beacon' and 'Transmitter' are interchangeable

    Enable and Disable Location Updates


    These calls allow for enabling and disabling the location updates which are used to provide extra information to a sighting callback. By default location updates are enabled and need to be explicitly disabled.

    Important If you want to guarantee that end-users are not prompted to enable Location Services, make sure you disable location updates before you set the application ID.

    Note You can also use options to set different location modes when enabling location updates. The following modes are supported. .

    Key Value Description
    FYXLocationModeKey FYXLowPowerLocation Uses the cached location from the location Manager. Default Mode
    FYXLocationModeKey FYXHighAccuracyLocation Queries location manager for location Updates
    FYXLocationModeKey FYXNoLocation No location updates


        #import <FYX/FYX.h>
        //disable location udpates
        [FYX disableLocationUpdates];
        //enable location updates. Uses Low Power location by default. 
        [FYX enableLocationUpdates];
        //enable location updates with options
        NSMutableDictionary *options = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
        [options setObject:[NSString stringWithString:FYXHighAccuracyLocation] forKey:FYXLocationModeKey];
        [FYX enableLocationUpdatesWithOptions:options];

    Set Application ID, Secret, and Callback URL


    This call sets up the SDK with the application ID and Secret. When you register an application on the Developer Portal the ID and Secret are generated and supplied to you.


        #import <FYX/FYX.h>
        [FYX setAppId:@"your-app-id" 

    Start Service


    This call registers the application with the server and starts bluetooth scanning. It does NOT authorize the user of the app. The authorization protected APIs will not function unless you use "authorize" instead.


        #import <FYX/FYX.h>
        [FYX startService:myServicedelegate];

    FYXServiceDelegate Methods

    Note You must add the <FYXServiceDelegate> protocol to your class.

    Once the service start has been attempted by calling startService: above, one of the following methods will be invoked on your delegate object once the status of the service has been determined.

        #import <FYX/FYX.h>
        - (void)serviceStarted
            // this will be invoked if the service has successfully started
            // bluetooth scanning will be started at this point
        #import <FYX/FYX.h>
        - (void)startServiceFailed:(NSError *)error
            // this will be called if the service has failed to start

    Stop Service


    This call will stop bluetooth scanning.


        #import <FYX/FYX.h>
        [FYX stopService];

    Important The SDK will no longer function properly until you call startService again.

    Delete User Proximity Data


    This call dissociate a device and data (visits and sightings) reported by the application running on that device. The open visits and sightings gets closed on server. Data (visits and sightings) on device also gets cleared due to this API invocation.


        #import <FYX/FYX.h>
        [FYX deleteVisitsAndSightings];

    FYXSessionDelegate Methods

    Note You must add the <FYXSessionDelegate> protocol to your class.

    Once the deletion visit and sightings data has been attempted by calling deleteVisitsAndSightings above, one of the following methods will be invoked on your delegate object once the status of the service invocation has been determined.

    Important Visit and Sightings created before invocation of API will be cleared from device. The data on server gets anonymized due to this API invocation. The application should start a session before invocation of delete data API. The application needs to be authorized before using this API.

        #import <FYX/FYX.h>
        - (void)sessionDataDeleted
            // this will be invoked if the visits and sighting data has been successfully deleted
        #import <FYX/FYX.h>
        - (void)sessionDataDeleteFailed:(NSError *)error
            // this will be invoked if the visits and sighting data has not been successfully deleted

    How to show the Bluetooth Powered Off Alert View


    The following configuration allows a developer to turn on the "Bluetooth is powered off" alert view. The default is to hide the alert view.

    Note This value must be set into NSUserDefaults before Gimbal Proximity is initialized.


    Enabling the Bluetooth is powered off alert view

        [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:NO forKey:@"gmbl_hide_bt_power_alert_view"];

    Scan for Sightings


    This call creates a sightingManager object and will trigger the callback to your delegate of sightings using the default scanning options. Using this call you will be notified of sightings for proximity devices your application is authorized for.

    If the user is not authorized, you can still register for the callback, but will only see beacons that are registered to the application developer.


        #import <FYX/FYXSightingManager.h>
        @property (nonatomic) FYXSightingManager *sightingManager;
        self.sightingManager = [[FYXSightingManager alloc] init];
        self.sightingManager.delegate = myDelegate;
        [self.sightingManager scan];

    Note Be sure to add the Sighting Delegate protocol to your class.

    Scan for Sightings With Options


    This call creates a sightingManager object and will trigger the callback to your delegate of sightings using the provided scanning options. Using this call you will be notified of sightings for proximity devices your application is authorized for.

    Scanning Options

    Signal Strength Window

    This option allows for a window of historic signal strengths to be used for a given device to "smooth" them out to remove quick jumps in signal strength. The larger the window the less the signal strength will jump but the slower it will react to the signal strength changes.

    Key Value Description
    FYXSightingOptionSignalStrengthWindowKey FYXSightingOptionSignalStrengthWindowNone No window of historic signal strengths is used
    FYXSightingOptionSignalStrengthWindowKey FYXSightingOptionSignalStrengthWindowSmall A small window of historic signal strengths is used
    FYXSightingOptionSignalStrengthWindowKey FYXSightingOptionSignalStrengthWindowMedium A medium window of historic signal strengths is used
    FYXSightingOptionSignalStrengthWindowKey FYXSightingOptionSignalStrengthWindowLarge A large window of historic signal strengths is used


        #import <FYX/FYXSightingManager.h>
        @property (nonatomic) FYXSightingManager *sightingManager;
        NSMutableDictionary *options = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
        [options setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:FYXSightingOptionSignalStrengthWindowNone]
        self.sightingManager = [[FYXSightingManager alloc] init];
        self.sightingManager.delegate = myDelegate;
        [self.sightingManager scanWithOptions:options];

    Note Be sure to add the Sighting Delegate protocol to your class.

    Sighting Delegate


    This is the callback delegate for sighting notifications.

    Sample FYXSightingDelegate Methods

    Note You must add the <FYXSightingDelegate> protocol to your class.

    The following callback will be invoked when an authorized transmitter is sighted.

        #import <FYX/FYXSightingManager.h>
        - (void)didReceiveSighting:(FYXTransmitter *)transmitter time:(NSDate *)time RSSI:(NSNumber *)RSSI
            // this will be invoked when an authorized transmitter is sighted

    FYXTransmitter Properties

    Property Name Description
    identifier Unique identifier for this transmitter
    name Name assigned to this transmitter
    ownerId Unique identifier of the owner of the transmitter
    iconUrl URL to an icon image (optional)
    battery Battery level indication. 0=LOW, 1=MED/LOW, 2=MED/HIGH, 3=HIGH (optional)
    temperature Temperature of transmitter in fahrenheit (optional). The value will be NSIntegerMax if no temperature sensor is present on this beacon.

    Stop Scanning for Sightings


    This call stops the callbacks to the delegate for sightings.


        #import <FYX/FYXSightingManager.h>
        [self.sightingManager stopScan];

    Post To Service Configuration


    The following configuration allows a developer to adjust the interval in seconds at which sightings are posted to the Gimbal Proximity service. The default is 5 minutes.

    Note This value must be set into NSUserDefaults before Gimbal Proximity is initialized.


    Post sightings to the Gimbal Proximity service every ten seconds.

        [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setInteger:10 forKey:@"fyx_post_to_server_interval_preference"];

    Start Visit Manager


    This call creates a FYXVisitManager object and will trigger the callback to your delegate of visits using the default options. Using this call you will be notified of visit arrive, sightings and depart for proximity devices your application is authorized for.

    If the user is not authorized, you can still register for the callback, but will only see beacons that are registered to the application developer.


        #import <FYX/FYXVisitManager.h>
        @property (nonatomic) FYXVisitManager *visitManager;
        self.visitManager = [[FYXVisitManager alloc] init];
        self.visitManager.delegate = self;
        [self.visitManager start];

    Note Be sure to add the Visit Delegate protocol to your class.

    Start Visit Manager With Options


    This call creates a FYXVisitManager object and will trigger the callback to your delegate of visits using the provided options. Using this call you will be notified of visit arrive, sightings and depart for proximity devices your application is authorized for.


    Option Key Description Data Type Default
    FYXSightingOptionSignalStrengthWindowKey Smoothing of signal strengths using historic sliding window averaging int FYXSightingOptionSignalStrengthWindowLarge
    FYXVisitOptionDepartureIntervalInSecondsKey Number of seconds before the absence of a beacon triggers the didDepart callback NSTimeInterval 5 seconds
    FYXVisitOptionBackgroundDepartureIntervalInSecondsKey Number of seconds before the absence of a beacon triggers the didDepart callback in background NSTimeInterval 300 seconds
    FYXVisitOptionArrivalRSSIKey An RSSI value of the beacon sighting that must be exceeded before a didArrive callback is triggered NSNumber None
    FYXVisitOptionDepartureRSSIKey If an RSSI value of the beacon sightings is less than this value and the departure interval is exceeded a didDepart callback is triggered NSNumber None


        #import <FYX/FYXVisitManager.h>
        #import <FYX/FYXSightingManager.h>
        @property (nonatomic) FYXVisitManager *visitManager;
        self.visitManager = [[FYXVisitManager alloc] init];
        self.visitManager.delegate = self;
        NSMutableDictionary *options = [NSMutableDictionary new];
        [options setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:FYXSightingOptionSignalStrengthWindowNone] forKey:FYXSightingOptionSignalStrengthWindowKey];
        [options setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:5] forKey:FYXVisitOptionDepartureIntervalInSecondsKey];
        [options setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:300] forKey:FYXVisitOptionBackgroundDepartureIntervalInSecondsKey];
        [options setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:-75] forKey:FYXVisitOptionArrivalRSSIKey];
        [options setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:-90] forKey:FYXVisitOptionDepartureRSSIKey];
        [self.visitManager startWithOptions:options];

    Note Be sure to add the FYXVisitDelegate protocol to your class.

    Visit Delegate


    This is the callback delegate for visit notifications.

    Sample FYXVisitDelegate Methods

    Note You must add the <FYXVisitDelegate> protocol to your class.

    The following callbacks will be invoked when a visit event occurs.

        #import <FYX/FYXVisitManager.h>
        - (void)didArrive:(FYXVisit *)visit {
            // This will be invoked when a visit starts
        - (void)receivedSighting:(FYXVisit *)visit updateTime:(NSDate *)updateTime RSSI:(NSNumber *)RSSI {
            // This will be invoked when a sighting comes in during a visit
        - (void)didDepart:(FYXVisit *)visit {
            // This will be invoked when a visit ends

    FYXVisit Properties

    Property Name Description
    transmitter FYXTransmitter being sighted
    startTime Time at which the visit starts
    lastUpdateTime Last time which the trasmitter was sighted
    dwellTime Time interval between the visit start time and the last update time

    Stop Visit Manager


    This call stops the callbacks to the delegate for visits.


        #import <FYX/FYXVisitManager.h>
        [self.visitManager stop];



    Depending on your application's use case, the Gimbal Series 20 beacon can be configured to use iBeacon technology. To learn how to create a Gimbal beacon with iBeacon technology please read the Quickstart Guide with iBeacon. The Proximity framework makes it very easy to use both types of beacons from the SDK and lets you manage them through the Gimbal Manager Portal.

    Quick Start Guide with iBeacon »

    Important Gimbal SDK for iOS uses both Significant Location Change and Region Monitoring features of the iOS. In order to allow for this, an entry 'NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription' is required. In the Info.plist file located in the 'Supporting Files' folder, add a new entry with key 'NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription'. The value should contain a user visible string describing the app’s need for the “always” location permission.


    Much like a standard Gimbal beacon, you can be notified of a proximate Gimbal beacon with iBeacon technology by creating a VisitManager and set any options that suit your use case. The only difference is that you need to implement and set a FYXiBeaconVisitDelegate. Below you can see the needed callbacks for sighting a Gimbal beacon with iBeacon technology.

    Note The SDK will only look for beacons that are managed in the Gimbal Manager Portal.

        #import <FYX/FYXVisitManager.h>
        - (void)didArriveIBeacon:(FYXiBeaconVisit *)visit;
        - (void)receivedIBeaconSighting:(FYXiBeaconVisit *)visit updateTime:(NSDate *)updateTime  RSSI:(NSNumber *)RSSI;
        - (void)didDepartIBeacon:(FYXiBeaconVisit *)visit;

    You can set this delegate on the VisitManager like this:

        #import <FYX/FYXVisitManager.h>
        FYXVisitManager visitManager = [FYXVisitManager new];
        visitManager.delegate = gimbalBeaconDelegate;    //To receive visits from Gimbal beacons
        visitManager.iBeaconDelegate = iBeaconDelegate;  //To receive visits from managed Gimbal beacons with iBeacon technology

    FYXiBeaconVisit Properties

    Property Name Description
    startTime Time at which the visit starts
    lastUpdateTime Last time which the beacon was sighted
    dwellTime Time interval between the visit start time and the last update time
    iBeacon FYXiBeacon being sighted

    FYXiBeacon Properties

    Property Name Description
    uuid The Proximity UUID of the beacon
    major The Major being broadcast by the beacon
    minor The Minor being broadcast by the beacon
    rssi The RSSI broadcasted for the current sighting
    proximity The Proximity Enumeration provided by iOS as a string
    accuracy The Accuracy of the proximity and rssi values in terms of meters

    Default Beacon Configurations

    Beacon Configurations allow you to customize hardware specific attributes such as antenna type, transmit power, etc, for a particular beacon. This results in having the SDK detect the presense of that beacon in different ways. For example, adjusting the transmit power of a beacon can result in a greator detection distance.

    Here are the default beacon configurations:

    Configuration Name Behavior Where should this configuration be used?
    Recommended Constant sightings in forground. Sightings in background come in at a rate of 3 per minute. Apply this configuration when timely background sightings are critical to your application's function.
    Presence optimized Same as Recommended, however sightings in background come in at a rate of 1 per minute. This results in a significant amount of battery savings when in constant proximity of a beacon. Apply this configuration when the user's phone will be in prolonged proximity of that beacon. This configuration will minimize the impact on the user's phone battery life when in proximity of beacons that have this configuration.

    Assigning a Configuration to Beacon

    Assigning a configuration indicates to the server that you want to push that configuration to the specified beacon when possible. To do so navigate to Proximity > Beacons and edit a beacon.

    Push Configuration To Beacon

    In order to push configurations to a beacon you must use the Gimbal Beacon Manager application that can be found in the App Store℠ here. Open the Gimbal Beacon Manager application and log in using your Gimbal Manager credentials.

    Once logged in hit the settings button to reveal the settings menu. Click on the "Configure" menu option.

    Follow the directions on the screen and remove all batteries from your Gimbal Series 20 Beacon and then re-insert the batteries. This places the beacon in a configurable mode and the application will be able to push your configuration. When connected to the beacon you should see something like the following.

    Notice that the configuration on the beacon does not match the configuration indicated from the Server. Push the update button to apply your configuration.


    Background Modes

    To properly receive Gimbal Proximity events in the background your application needs to enable the following iOS background modes.

    • Uses Bluetooth LE accessories bluetooth-central

    Background Behavior

    In the foreground your application should be notified for most Gimbal Proximity Events that originate from a beacon. In the background this is not the case. In the background the device receives Bluetooth LE events much less frequently.

    Expected Time to Arrival

    The following table shows how long it takes to receive an Arrive event from our VisitManager based on the testing we've done on iOS devices.

    Beacon Configuration Average Time to Arrive (seconds) Standard Deviation (seconds)
    S21 Recommended Config 12 7
    US5 Recommended Config 12 7

    Application Information


    This call provides the following Gimbal Proximity application information.

    FYXAppInfo Properties

    Property Description
    receiverId The unique identifier for this receiver application. Null if the receiver has not registered yet.
    receiverOwnerId The unique identifier for this receiver's authenticated user. Null if the user has not authenticated yet.
    oauthToken The OAuth2 token used for authenticated requests against the Gimbal Proximity Service. Empty string if the user has not authorized yet.


        #import <FYX/FYX.h>
        #import <FYX/FYXAppInfo.h>
        FYXAppInfo *appInfo = [FYX currentAppInfo];

    Add a Transmitter


    Add a transmitter for the authenticated user.


        #import <FYX/FYXTransmitter.h>
        #import <FYX/FYXTransmitterManager.h>
        [FYXTransmitterManager addTransmitter:myTransmitter
                                       success:^() {
                                           // do something on success
                                       failure:^(NSError *error) {
                                           // do something on failure

    Retrieve Transmitters


    Retrieve the transmitters for the authenticated user.


        #import <FYX/FYXTransmitterManager.h>
        [FYXTransmitterManager retrieveTransmittersSuccess:^(NSArray *transmitters) {
                                                        // do something on success
                                                    failure:^(NSError *error) {
                                                        // do something on failure

    Edit Transmitter


    Edit a transmitter for the authenticated user.


        #import <FYX/FYXTransmitter.h>
        #import <FYX/FYXTransmitterManager.h>
        [FYXTransmitterManager editTransmitter:myTransmitter
                                        success:^() {
                                            // do something on success
                                        failure:^(NSError *error) {
                                            // do something on failure

    Remove Transmitter


    Remove a transmitter for the authenticated user.


        #import <FYX/FYXTransmitterManager.h>
        [FYXTransmitterManager removeTransmitter:myTransmitterIdentifier
                                          success:^() {
                                              // do something on success
                                          failure:^(NSError *error) {
                                              // do something on failure

    Set Log Level


    Set the logging level for the Gimbal Proximity SDK. The available levels are FYX_LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, FYX_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, FYX_LOG_LEVEL_WARN, FYX_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR. The default logging level is ERROR. setLogLevel must be called after setting the app id, secret, and callback.


        #import <FYX/FYX.h>
        #import <FYX/FYXLogging.h>
        [FYX setAppId:@"your-app-id" appSecret:@"your-app-secret"];
        [FYXLogging setLogLevel:FYX_LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE];

    Enable File Logging


    Turn on file logging for SDK log calls. File logging is enabled by default.

    To view the logs:
    Open organizer
    Select 'applications' under the device you are using in the organizer
    Select 'download'
    In Finder, control-left click the file, click 'show package contents'
    Open AppData->Library->Caches->Logs-> (your log file) in some text viewer or console


        #import <FYX/FYX.h>
        #import <FYX/FYXLogging.h>
        [FYX setAppId:@"your-app-id" appSecret:@"your-app-secret"];
        [FYXLogging enableFileLogging];

    Disable File Logging


    Turn off file logging for SDK log calls. File logging is enabled by default.


        #import <FYX/FYX.h>
        #import <FYX/FYXLogging.h>
        [FYX setAppId:@"your-app-id" appSecret:@"your-app-secret"];
        [FYXLogging disableFileLogging];

    Proximity Based Communication Guide

    How to use a Beacon visit arrival to retrieve a Communication.

    Create Communication

    Use the Gimbal Manager to create a Communication that will be retrieved when you arrive at a beacon.

    Gimbal Manager »

    • Navigate to the Communicate section of Gimbal Manager and click the New button
    • Fill in the mandatory fields on the General tab
    • Set the Triggers field to None on the Triggers tab
    • Create a Communication Attribute that will be used to search for the content associated with the beacon on the Attributes tab
    • Fill in the mandatory fields on the Notification tab
    • Save and Publish your Communication

    Setup Proximity

    The Gimbal Proximity framework enables proximity services within your application.

    This framework is essential for your application to capture visits of nearby beacons.

    iOS Quick Start »

    Note The section for using the FYXSightingManager is optional for this particular guide.

    Setup Context

    The Gimbal Context frameworks provide the ability to retrieve content from the Gimbal Manager.

    It's essential to setup the Context SDK within your application to access this content.

    iOS Quick Start »

    Note The sections for Creating a Geofence and using the QLContextPlaceConnector are optional for this particular guide.

    Tie it All Together

    Finally, Setup the Visit Manager and implement the FYXVisitDelegate protocol's didArrive: method.

    Within this method, retrieve content from the Gimbal Manager using QLQueryForAnyAttributes described earlier in this Developer Guide

    The following example assumes the previously defined Communication Attribute was key=beacon_name and value=mybeacon.

      - (void)didArrive:(FYXVisit *)visit {
          QLQueryForAnyAttributes *queryForAnyAttributes = [[QLQueryForAnyAttributes alloc] init]; 
          [queryForAnyAttributes whereKey:@"beacon_name"];
          [self.contentConnector contentsWithQuery:queryForAnyAttributes 
                 success:^(NSArray *contents) { 
                // If the matches "mybeacon", the contents parameter will contain the communication
          } failure:^(NSError *error) { 
                // Failed to retrieve content 