Dependency Management, So Easy a Caveman Could Do It.

That’s right, even for the programmers and developers of the Paleolithic Era, managing the many different libraries one may use in an Android or iOS application can be quick and easy.  We developers at Gimbal support this movement to uncomplicate dependencies, so we have jumped on the management bandwagon and made the Gimbal SDK available on CocoaPods for iOS and Maven Central for Android, leaving you with even more time to pick wild berries and hunt small game for dinner tonight.


CocoaPods has quickly risen to be the go-to dependency management tool for iOS applications and can be quickly integrated into both new and existing Swift and Objective-C applications. With big name sponsors such as Capital one and Stripe, CocoaPods has evolved into a very stable yet simple tool that millions of iOS developers use every single day. With a single command, developers can add or update Gimbal and thousands of other frameworks of all types in to their applications. Check out their many helpful guides on adding CocoaPods into your application or even creating a pod your self.

SDK on CocoaPods:

Adding Gimbal in a Podfile:
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Maven Central

The Maven Central Repository is the default repository for Gradle, on top of many other tools, making integration extremely simple in any Android project. Having been around since 2002, the repository has been trusted by millions of java developers to deploy and maintain hundreds of thousands of artifacts. Check out this guide on how to get the repository easily integrated into your Gradle project.

SDK in Maven Central:

Adding Gimbal to dependencies in build.gradle:

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With these new tools we have eliminated the hassle involved in updating to our latest and greatest release. While we do still have our SDKs available to download on our SDK downloads page, we will take no offense to you visiting it a little less often. The future of dependency management is now. Happy coding!